Black-owned and Detroit based

Supernatural Hair Care was founded in 2018 with the goal of providing quality, natural hair care products in sustainable packaging for textured hair. Each SHC product fits into the Supernatural Journey, a five step hair care routine and navigational tool for empowerment and self-confidence through hair. Shop small. Shop SHC.

Meet the Founder

My name is Tia Baldwin. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI, where SHC is headquartered. I founded the company in 2018 after struggling since childhood with self-perception and self-image. I coped with poor self-perception by creating an image to cover up. After years, I no longer wanted that image to be where I drew my identity from, so I began my personal healthy self-confidence journey. Through this experience, I realized the deep connection between repairing my hair and fostering a healthy self-perception and identity. SHC is more than a hair care company; it serves as a navigation tool for women and men to embrace the beauty of their identity and provide a platform to empower their voices and stories.
My focus now is on creating opportunities, starting within the neighborhoods in Detroit, for women and men to see themselves as God created them and to actualize the vision of their highest selves.
  • Before you are able to maintain the new, the old must go.

    Start your journey

  • Damage is being restored. Build on a healthy foundation.

    Begin restoring

  • Water the seed that you planted, daily. Become stronger.

    Start watering

  • See the fruits of your labor. Protect your growth

    New growth

  • You’ve labored to enter the stage of rest. 

    Engage Self-Reflection

  • Enjoy.

    Embrace authenticity